However, one of my best friends recently saw another one of my best friends (I live 2 hours away) and said she keep her tan (since she went to the Dominican Republic earlier in the month) by using Jergens Natural Glow Firming Medium Tanning Lotion. I must say, I have used my fair share of self tanners and I have not had the best experience so I usually try to stay clear for anything other than Mystic Tan.
In desperate attempts I gave in and bought the Jergens Natural Glow lotion and figured I may as well try it. Well, I have been using it now for 5 days and I LOVE it. My tan has not faded since I used this lotion- it doesn't streak and doesn't look orange either. It has a bit of a tanning lotion smell, but it is very light.
If you need a good alternative for a tan, try using this lotion. PLUS- it is a firming lotion- which is always a plus ;) I use in the mornings and rub it in circular motions into my feet, legs, chest, arms and the part of my back I can reach.
It is about $8 at any drugstore, Target/Wal-Mart.

This lotion is great! Also, if you are looking for more immediate color results, try Jergens Natural Glow Express. It comes in a smaller bottle that doesn't last nearly as long, but if you need to get tan QUICK, it will give you noticeable color in 3 uses. Then just maintain it with the regular lotion :)