Ok, so first off- Sorry it's been a week and a few days since my last Beauty Blog! I went to NYC for a make-up class and then went on vacay to the U.S. Virgin Islands (my heaven).
SO- I MUST share this fabulous news with you all...when I was in NYC last week I met DIANE VON FURSTENBERG at her boutique/studio in the Meatpacking District.

I seriously freaked- I met the FABULOUS DVF! And for the record, she was classy and very friendly, offering me a hug when she saw I had started to tear up due to being star-struck! My life is now complete....for now...until I become a famous makeup artist ;)
A few weeks before I left for the USVI, one of my coworkers sent me a link to Bliss World online- of course I clicked on it instantly because I am obsessed with Bliss products- and it was a product by Rodial called Skinny Beach Sticks. I read about the product to find that it would slim down your figure and prep your skin for the sun. I was sold. Anything that can make a woman slim and tan is a definite sell. Now, if it could offer you eternal youth too....well that would be fabulous.
So anyways, I decided to shell out the $60 for the Skinny Beach Sticks to see if they would help get me ready for beach days that were just around the corner. You dissolve the beach sticks in water and chug it- just like alka seltzer- one a day for two weeks prior to your trip. I must say they taste like rotten carrots, but they definitely worked as I came home tanner than I normally would AND I didn't burn! They even made me feel a bit slimmer too.

You can order them online at: http://www.blissworld.com/product/rodial+skinny+beach+sticks+.do?search=basic&keyword=skinny+beach+sticks&sortby=all&asc=false&page=1
And just in case you are thinking of going to the USVI- this picture should help your decision ;)

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